[Avodah] Faith and Doubt

via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Nov 8 10:11:33 PST 2016


From: Akiva Miller via Avodah  <avodah at lists.aishdas.org>

R"n Toby Katz wrote:

> The  difference between them was that Noach never was an agnostic.
> ....Not  for a
> moment did he doubt the existence of the One who was talking to  him
> and giving him instructions! The premise is absurd.

On the  one hand, I concede that "he is obviously talking about the flood",
given  that Rashi (7:7) says explicitly, "He believed and did not believe
that the  flood would come."

But on the other hand, that same Rashi begins with the  words "Af Noach
mik'tanei amana haya - Even Noach was among those of little  faith." Isn't
it clear that this refers to faith in general? "Little faith"  is a world
apart from "Maybe He will relent."

Akiva  Miller

His lack of faith was a doubt that Hashem would really do what He said  He 
was going to do.  The people of his generation did not believe there was  
going to be a Flood, and even Noach himself was not sure -- hence, "miktanei  
emunah haya."  The word "agnostic" simply does not apply to this type of  

--Toby  Katz
t613k at aol.com


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