[Avodah] Shva na

Zev Sero via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sat Oct 22 17:17:36 PDT 2016

On 21/10/16 18:12, saul newman via Avodah wrote:
> Davening on yomkippur with tehillas hashem and artscroll open
> simultaneously on the Binah , it seems that there are differences in the
> designation of shva na , in that there were a lot more of these in the L
> tradition( or else the mark designated something else.  ).  Is there
> variations across communities in the tefilot as to which Shvas are na
> versus nach?

Tehilas Hashem follows the shita of 18th-century grammarian R Zalman 
Hanau.  I don't know that this is any kind of Lubavitcher tradition; I 
think it more likely that it was simply a matter of the editor of the 
first American edition (who later became LR) looking for a 
similar-enough siddur to cut and paste for photo offset, and happening 
to choose one that had followed this shita.  Since in practise most 
Lubavitchers are not makpid on correct pronunciation in davening (as 
opposed to laining), I wonder if he even noticed this detail.

(Many decades later he mentioned publicly that the siddur had been 
prepared in a hurry because there was a shortage of siddurim at the 
time, and he had not been able to put as much care into it as he would 
have liked.)

In the '90s there was an edition published in Kfar Chabad, in which the 
shva nas were marked according to the rules taught by R Mottel 
Shusterman a"h, who for many years was the bal korei in 770, and whom 
the LR had instructed to teach dikduk at Oholei Torah.  It was met with 
a negative reception, and I don't know whether it has been reprinted.


PS: I wrote "the first American edition" because Lubavitch published two 
editions of Tehilas Hashem in Rostov during WW1, one in Nusach Lubavitch 
and one in Nusach Ashkenaz, for the benefit of the many NA-davening 
refugees who needed siddurim.

Zev Sero                Wishing everyone a good aquittal
zev at sero.name

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