[Avodah] Waterproof S'chach? Really?

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Oct 21 12:35:36 PDT 2016

Yes, I meant to write "fasting". Thanks to R' Zev for catching it.

As regards the example you gave, I must admit that it started me thinking.
My intention was about an ordinary guy who is simply going to eat even
though he is so ill that he should fast. Using modern medical techniques is
a whole different story. If a choleh is paskened to eat, but he can get
intravenous nutrition instead, should he do it? As I recall, the poskim say

I suddenly have a new appreciation for the viewpoint that had criticized
before. If it's raining, then we are patur from the sukkah. End of story.

It hurts when the rain comes down and we need to go back into the regular
house. No one looks forward to that. But perhaps we should not fight it
either, if that's what Hashem has decreed. Somehow, I am reminded of the
Ma'apilim (B'midbar 14:40-45) ...

Akiva Miller
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