[Avodah] Taking a challah from the freezer on the first day of Yom Tov, so that it will be defrosted for Second day

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sat Oct 15 20:41:10 PDT 2016

R' Yitzchok Levine quoted "From today's Halacha Yomis":

> Q. Is one permitted to take a challah from the freezer on
> the first day of Yom Tov, so that it will be defrosted in
> time for the nighttime meal?
> A. ... ... Since one does not actively thaw the food, but
> rather it defrosts on its own, this is not a prohibited
> form of hachanah.

I am very surprised by this. The thawing is irrelevant. Taking the challah
out is already hachana.

Even taking an already-thawed challah from the closet and placing it
somewhere else, would constitute hachana if it is done in preparation for
the nighttime meal. In fact, if the husband would remind his wife when he
leaves for mincha, "Remember to take the challah out of the freezer after
tzeis," that speech would be enough to constitute a violation.

Akiva Miller
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