[Avodah] kneppel etiology

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Oct 13 11:10:55 PDT 2016

: but even the regular shipped in bundles seem to be kneppel free. does
: anyone know if kneppling is a genetic or infectious deformity of the
: date palm?

I don't have a real answer, and wouldn't be posting the following rumors
if I didn't have notes on the MB about its kashrus.

I was told that a knepl (or kaftor) is a genetic propensity in some lulav
plants. Not genetic in the sense that all lulavim from a given tree would
be bent, just that some trees had such branches.

In the same discussion I was told that a "gartl" on an esrog is actually
caused by disease.

On the halachic question, see the MB 645 s"q 40. The SA (s' 8) specifically
allows a lulav w/ a knepl. The MB adds:

Rosh: Personally preferred a knepl (oheiv ani latzeis bo), as it secures
the tiyumes.

Levush: If most of the leaves are folded over, it is pasul. But a knepl
    is kosher.

Taz: Use a non-knepl if available.

In s"q 41 the MB defines a kosher knepl is only if the lead is mostly
straight, and only folded over at the end. He then quotes the PM that
this whol discussion is only if the tiyumes is mostly folded over.)

And in s"q 42, he mentions that some are machmir, but accepted practice is
to permit, like the SA. The MB points us to the Sha'ar haTziyun, who
says that even the machmirim are only talking about the tiyomes.

Looking at the Tehuvos haRosh, he is arguing with the Ritva who holds
that a knepel would be "kafuf" and pasul.

(My wife is babysitting an autistic kid most workdays this month. I
followed the Rosh this year. Shoshanta-less esrog too.)

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             When memories exceed dreams,
micha at aishdas.org        The end is near.
http://www.aishdas.org                   - Rav Moshe Sherer
Fax: (270) 514-1507

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