[Avodah] 2 days RH

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Oct 9 18:45:59 PDT 2016

R' Eli Turkel wrote:

> Rav Dessler asks that if so the 2nd day of RH is not the "real" RH.
> If so how we can say in our prayers that today we are being judged,
> today is the day the world conceived (hayom haras olam), today the
> books of life are opened etc.

I liked all of R' Micha Berger's responses, but I would say this: It's no
different than how the second day of Shavuos is not the "real" Shavuos, yet
we say in our prayers that today is when the Torah was given. Ditto for the
second Seder, etc etc. Please note that I am not suggesting a particular
answer here; I'm only pointing out that if you find an answer you like for
one of these questions, it will probably be a good answer for the others

Akiva Miller
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