[Avodah] Erev Shabbos Kugel

Zev Sero via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Oct 20 11:07:33 PDT 2016

On 20/10/16 09:16, Akiva Miller via Avodah wrote:
> I know that there is a mitzvah to taste one's Shabbos food on erev
> Shabbos afternoon. But I understand that the express purpose of this is
> for testing the flavor, so that one can adjust the cooking or
> ingredients,  to make sure that the food comes out as desired.

If that were the reason then only the cook should taste it.  The
first source I know of for the minhag, and the connection to the
phrase "toameha chayim zachu", is in Machzor Vitry, who attributes
it to an unknown braisa that gives no reason but simply says that
one who tastes the shabbos food on erev shabbos will enjoy a long
life, and to an equally unknown Yerushalmi which says it's for
sholom bayis, to assure oneself that the cooks didn't burn the food.

The AriZal gives a reason closer to yours, but again it's symbolic
rather than practical.  It's not so much to actually ensure that the
food is good, but to be seen to be concerned about it, which shows
honour to the expected guest for whom the food has been prepared.
This again explains why it's the host, not the cook who tastes the
food, because he feels a need to reassure himself that all is in order
and the guest will have a good time.

> But the idea of a scheduled snack specifically for enjoyment before
 > Shabbos seems to violate the whole issur against eating late Eruv
 > Shabbos afternoon.

The issur is to have a fixed meal, which is an insult to Shabbos.
Again this is about symbolism rather than actuality.  Even if ones
appetite will not be affected, scheduling a meal just before shabbos
would show that shabbos is not ones top concern.  But scheduling a
tasting shows just the opposite, that one is thinking of nothing but
the coming shabbos, and can't wait for it to arrive.

Naturally one whose appetite *will* be affected should be careful to
take only a tiny taste, or even not eat at all, if that's what he
needs to do.

Zev Sero                Wishing everyone a good aquittal
zev at sero.name

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