[Avodah] The Chanuka Candle / Havdalah Hullabaloo

Professor L. Levine via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Dec 23 10:12:32 PST 2016

Do we first light the Menorah or make Havdalah on Motzai Shabbos - Chanuka? Not a recent question, this situation of competing halachic principles has been the basis of the centuries-old debate regarding which mitzvah has priority and should therefore be performed first. In other words, on Motzai Shabbos Chanuka this annual halachic dispute, simmering since the time of the Rishonim, really heats up...

To find out what to do, see the full article: "Insights Into Halacha: The Chanuka Candle / Havdalah Hullabaloo<http://sable.madmimi.com/c/10500?id=80571.499.1.8389cb72759accee0bcbd5001deaa870>".
For all of the Mareh Mekomos / sources, just ask.
Insights Into Halacha<http://sable.madmimi.com/c/10500?id=80571.500.1.0dae9c075a7bddcdf30683ac52cc21d9> is a weekly series of contemporary Halacha articles. If you enjoyed the article, please share it with friends and family. To sign up to receive weekly articles simply email me.

kol tuv, a Lichtige Chanuka, and Good Shabbos,
Y. Spitz
yspitz at ohr.edu<mailto:yspitz at ohr.edu>

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