[Avodah] Rachel didn't burn the idols because she wanted to denigrate the wisdom of the other nations?

Marty Bluke via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Dec 21 01:21:32 PST 2016

R' Yitzchak Zilberstein was quoted as saying the following (

*Rachel Imenu sat on the idols and didn't burn them. She wanted to
denigrate the wisdom of the other nations, she didn't want to burn them,
rather to teach the Jewish people, I don't need any outside wisdom and
therefore she was priviliged with having Yosef who astounded the world with
his wisdom which was solely torah based. *

*We have to instill in our daughters: A jewish home that is free of any
trace of non-Jewish wisdom and learns only Torah will never be hurt.*

Does anyone know a source for this idea that Rachel didn't burn the idols
because she wanted to denigrate outside wisdom? Rashi explains that she
stole the idols to stop her father from worshipping them and the simple
pshat is that she simply hadn't had any time to do anything with them
(destroy them) because they were running away from Lavan.
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