[Avodah] chinuch

Eli Turkel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Nov 11 01:33:10 PST 2016

> I had another idea a few days ago. I would like to suggest that
> mitzvas chinuch does NOT require us to concoct halachic mechanisms to
> enable the katan to do the mitzvos with all its details. Rather, it
> is totally acceptable for a child to do a mitzvah in a partial manner,
> and the parent is doing his chinuch thereby, provided that the parent
> explains this to the child... >>

Thew key word is "partial manner" . POskim state that one should not give a
4 minim that are pasul because that is not chinuch. In davening the child
does not have to say everything but it has to be at least a partial
davening, i.e., complete portions and not half of many things.

Eli Turkel
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