[Avodah] fitbit

Eli Turkel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Nov 1 11:13:41 PDT 2016

<<This touches on my fitbit question of a short while ago. Say you had
a fitbit like device that posed no halakhic question other than this:
After Shabbos you could push a button to see how far you walked or how
well you slept. >>

I asked both R Ariel chief rabbi of Ramat Gan and R Rosen of Tzomet this
They both answered that  technically it is permitted  but it is zilzul
shabbat and they would only approve it for medical need.

returning to running for electricty the article says
"The objective was to harvest energy from our living environment, for
example, human walking or muscle movement and fabric; the goal is to drive
small electronics (eg a smartwatch or phone)

So (1) there is positive intention to create and store electricity
(2) it might (in the future) be put into active use

So again it would seem to me that it is more serious than the heter for
causing static electricity which has neither of these problems.

Similar to the fitbit even if it is technically allowed many poskim would
forbid it as zilzul shabbat

Eli Turkel
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