[Avodah] R' Nissim Karelitz's Beis Din: Kohanim cannot fly from Ben Gurion for the next few weeks

Marty Bluke via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Oct 30 00:36:27 PDT 2016

Due to the fact that all flights taking off will pass over the cemetary in
Holon (see http://www.kikar.co.il/212365.html).

This is quite an issue for Kohanim, basically it means that Kohanim can't
leave Israel as Ben Gurion is pretty much the only international airport.

If it is really a problem for a Kohen to fly over a cemetary then I don't
understand how Kohanim fly anywhere. Take a flight from Israel to NY. The
plane flies over much of Western Europe and England, there are any number
of Jewish cemetaries there who says that the plane doesn't fly over one of
them. When they get close to NY all of the flights to JFK fly over Long
Island which has a number of large Jewish cemeteries, Again, who says that
the planes don't fly over them. Since it's an issur d'oraysa we should say
sefeka d'raysa l'chumra.

I have a few questions related to this.
Is the problem with the Holon cemetary because the plane flies low over teh
cemetery (close to takeoff)?
Is there any sevara to say that the tumah doesn't reach the height of
planes to 30,000+ feet? If not what about in orbit? What about on the moon?
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