[Avodah] Workers' Right

Richie via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Oct 10 01:10:45 PDT 2016

In reading the posting on ahavas chesed and the comment regarding the popularity of groups studying shmiras lashon, it immediately occurred to me that with ahavas chesed, shmiras lashon would naturally follow. I know I've mentioned this to R' Micha before, but it bears repeating. IMHO, the quintessential individual who emulated ahavas chesed and was truly a humble and holy man was the Kapischnitzer Rebbe, Rabbi Abraham Yehosha Heschel, zt"l. At age 14, I was at his house on Henry St. and my memory of his kindness is seared into my brain forever. 

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