[Avodah] conservatism in davening

Eli Turkel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Oct 6 04:05:38 PDT 2016

In the RH davening there seem to be several (ashkenazi) minhagim which are
clearly wrong nevertheless they are tradition and not changed
Some examples

In several piyutim the beginning of each phrase has been transferred to the
end of the phrase.One example is "melech elyon" . The Machzorim that I have
looked with a translation all clearly show that the wording "Melech Elyon"
starts each stanza which should end with "La-adei ad yimloch"
Nevertheless the widespread minhag is to end each phrase with "Melech Elyon"

There are several versions of Melech Elyon by different authors. In our
version after Melech Elyon which mention "Melech Evyon" twice which
actually comes from a different author os Melech Elyon
Thus for example in the melech elyon of schararit second day each stanza
has 6 parts. However the melech evyon has only 3 parts because it comes
from a different version

Vechol Maaminim is the end of each phrase but we say it as the first part .
This results that in several cases there is a disjoint between the first
and second part of the phrase.
Similarly in "Maaseh Elokenu", " Hashem Melech"

Another example is "Atah hu Elokenu"  we say - dagul me-revava  - hu
sach vayehi", and also
"Vezivah ve-nivrau  - Zichro le-nezach" which doesnt make sense. The
original was
"hu sach vayeh - Vezivah ve-nivrau" and  "Zichro le-nezach - chai olamim"

The introduction to the machzor I use  claims that the original minhag was
 that the chazzan would say half the phrase and the congregation would
complete the phrase (see Machzor Heindheim). Later the chazzan said
everything which led to all sorts of errors.

Bottom line once errors the tefillah it is difficult to undo them!

Eli Turkel
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