[Avodah] Purim and Maavirin es Roa haGezeirah
Micha Berger via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Oct 5 14:38:44 PDT 2016
A thought struck me about the difference between Achashveirosh's
insistance that anything written besheim hamelekh, and sealed betaba'as
hamelekh, ein hashiv OT1H, and uteshuvah, utefillah, utzedaqah ma'avirin
es roa' hagezeira, on the other.
Especially given the idea that any reference to hamelekh (or perhaps only
hamelekh without "Achashveirosh") refers on a second level to haMelekh.
But then I realized that "ma'avirin es roa' hegezeirah" doesn't promise
a repeal of the gezeirah. Rather, the gezeirah comes to pass, but one
passes through (avoids? is sheileded from?) the tragic aspect of it.
And that is indeed what ended up happening on Purim. Haman's decree
was never repealed, but our fate was still reversed.
Fate is never inescapable -- ein mazalos beYisrael.
Viyhi Ratzon that the same should be true if any gezeiros ra'os exist
(ch"v) on Yom haKi-purim...
Micha Berger A wise man is careful during the Purim banquet
micha at aishdas.org about things most people don't watch even on
http://www.aishdas.org Yom Kippur.
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