[Avodah] Mezonos Becomes HaMotzi

Rabbi Meir G. Rabi via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Sep 29 21:52:12 PDT 2016

Making the Beracha Mezonos in error over any food does Patter since Mezonos
has also a broader meaning of food. I do not think that is true of HaMotzi.

Bread Patters the other foods of the meal because they are Tafel to it the
way herring is Taffel to Kichel, peanut butter to a cracker, and bread is
Taffel to very salty foods, the very salty food itself being Taffel to the
very sweet fruits [Peiros Genoisor- the Beracha HaEitz Patters the salty
foods and the bread which one eats after the overwhelmingly sweet
aftertaste causes one to eat the salty after which the bread comes to
neutralise the salty taste - The Gemara in a beautiful measure of hyperbole
describes the glowing countenance of those who were eating Peiros Genoisor
as being so intense that any flies that attempt to land on their forehead
will just slide off]

Taffel has many applications for example wearing clothes during Shabbos
from a Reshus HaRabbim to a Reshus HaYachid, is permitted because they are
Taffel to the body. In that situation we see how extensive Taffel actually
is - it includes the feather in ones hat band. How would that translate
into what parts of the meal are Taffel to the bread even if the bread is
only the notional Ikkar of the meal.


Meir G. Rabi
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