[Avodah] whole wheat challah

via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Sep 28 21:59:11 PDT 2016

> R' Eli Turkel asked
>> > I note in my shul that it  is becoming more common to see light blue 
or even
>> > striped  shirts on shabbat. Again how much of this dress wear is time
>> >  dependent?"

What a strange disconnect we sometimes find between the subject line  and 
the actual subject.  "Whole wheat challah"?  "Blue shirts on  Shabbos?"  A 
strange thread, speaking of blue threads.  Mah inyan  shmittah etc?  
I understand that wearing blue shirts on Shabbos is a sign of kalus  rosh 
and impiety, but whole wheat challah?!  Do different varieties of  bread 
signify different points on the frum spectrum? she asked  with a rye smile.

--Toby Katz
t613k at aol.com



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