[Avodah] mezonos rolls

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Sep 20 16:59:24 PDT 2016

Subject: [Avodah] mezonos rolls

I wrote that it is okay for a hechsher to label such rolls as "mezonos", if
that's how they hold the ikar hadin to be. R' Eli Turkel asked:

> which brings up the question of what is a mehadrim
> hashgacha if they follow a minority opinion

Oh, I see. You're under the impression that mehadrin hashgachas don't
follow minority opinions. Well, in that case, I'd have to suggest that the
answer is "marketing".

Hmm... I think R' Zev Sero's answer might be even better. He wrote:

> Who says it's a minority opinion?

which I would interpret as: Depending on which poskim count and which
poskim don't count, the majority/minority can be whichever you want.

Akiva Miller
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