[Avodah] Why should one have to make Hataras Nedarim every year?

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Sep 20 17:05:39 PDT 2016

R' Yitzchok Levine wrote:

: Note the last paragraph says "Behold I make formal declaration
: before: you and I cancel from this time onward all vows,..
: In light of this, why should one have to make Hataras nedarim
: every year? It seems to me that saying it once should suffice
: forever.

R' Micha Berger answered:

> Hatarah can't be done lemafreia. It's a nice declaration of
> intent, but the paragraph you're quoting isn't legally binding.

Why isn't a declaration of intent valid? Especially in this case, where one
makes it known to the public?

> Notice that it is said /after/ the beis din was actually matir
> his nedarim.

Why is that relevant? Hatara of an already-made vow is an entirely
different procedure than preventing future utterances from taking effect.

PLEASE NOTE that I am not sufficiently knowledgeable to claim that this
one-time declaration *should* be valid forever. I'm just asking what the
rules are and how it works.

Akiva Miller
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