[Avodah] Do you ever recite Birkas Hamazon on crackers?

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Sep 16 04:39:57 PDT 2016

I raised the problem of eating meal-type foods with Pas Habaah B'Kisnin at
kiddush, and R' Zev Sero suggested:

> Why not drink an extra revi'is of wine for kiddush bimkom
> seudah, and skip the pas habo'oh bekisnin altogether?

That certainly would work, and in fact that's what I did a few years back,
when my weight-loss surgery put me on an all-liquid diet for a while. (Of
course, even though Kvius Seudah was no longer a barrier to enjoying the
cholent, the liquid diet kept the cholent banned. :-)

On the other hand, Mishneh Brurah 273:25 writes, "See the Chidushei Rabbi
Akiva Eiger and the [Torah Shleima?] who prove that according to many
rishonim, one is NOT yotzay Kiddush B'Makom Seudah with a cup of wine.
Therefore, it seems that one should not be lenient in this except B'Makom

And in fact, he goes even further in Beur Halacha 273 "Kasvu Hageonim",
citing the Gra, who would not make Kiddush - even the daytime Kiddush -
except at a "seudah gemura", and not on "minei targima" or wine.

Akiva Miller
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