[Avodah] Rav Melamed on Metal Pots

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Sep 12 15:37:03 PDT 2016

I wrote:
> And most importantly, did those experiments include a
> control group? In other words, did they run the same
> experiments with pots of the same type that Chazal used,
> and if so, did they find that the taste of the first food
> *was* present? Because if not, then how do they know what
> sort of "taste" to be looking for?

I'd like to expand on that a bit. Besides including metal pots of the same
type that Chazal used, the experiments should also include *glass* keilim.

As R' Micha Berger wrote, it's not really clear what "taam" means in this
context. Glass would enhance the experiment because of its non-absorbency
(in certain situations, at least). If "taam" is understood properly,
then the experimenters would find it to be present in metal keilim but
absent from glass keilim.

(In my experience, if one takes a purchases apple juice in a glass bottle,
and then uses that bottle for plain water, the water will always have
an apple juice taste to it, mo matter how well one tries to clean that

Akiva Miller

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