[Avodah] R Avraham

Eli Turkel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sat Sep 10 12:33:29 PDT 2016

<<Tanya says the same thing: that to become a benoni, i.e. someone who never
sins, and never even consciously considers sinning, is within the power of
every person, but to become a tzadik, i.e. someone who has no yetzer hara,
requires help from Above, which is not always given. >>

RMA quoted this Tanya and found it very strange that a benoni is someone
who never sinned.
Surely not the usual definition of benoni

In referring to the recent controversy in Israel on fixing tracks on
> shabbat he claimed that while it is well known that pikuach nefesh
> over-rides shabbat it is also true that a major monetary loss to the
> community also over-rides shabbat.

<<Surely not.  It can override "vedaber davar", and even sometimes amira
lenochri, but actual chilul shabbos?! >>

Tsafot sanhedrin 26a notes that the gemara allows planting and plowing on
because of the taxes (arnona) that needs to be paid. Tosafot gives 2
answers 1) shemiita
nowadays is derabban ( ie a rabbinic violation is allowed for major
financial loss)
2) Finanv=cial oss can lead to actual loss of life if they don't pay the
king his taxes

In practice the suggestion was to use nochrim to do the work on the railroad
infrastrucrure. Rabbi Rosen went so far as to suggest setting up classes to
goyim to become experts in various fields what he called "gashas - gimel
shin shin"
for goן shel shabbat (In modern Hebrew a gashash is a tracker frequently

Some teshuvot Rav Ishon brought
ROY (Yalkut Yosef shabbat 1 remarks 243) - was asked about picking flowers
on shabbat for export - the picking season is extremely short and
skipping shabbat would cause a major financial loss to the Moshav.
He allows it by a Goy (kablan) also based on ysihuv eretz.

Rav Yisraeli (Amud HaYemini 17) discusses the Rambam who allows
a milchemet reshut  to expnad the borders and increase the reputation of
the Jewish kingdom.
R Yisraeli explains that anything that includes the welfare of the entire
community is
considered pikuach nefesh. Thus the income of an individual is not pikuach
nefesh but
if the entire nation will lack income then certainly some of the members
will come to pikuach nefesh
(In Jerusalem as late as in the early 1900s members of the community died
from starvation!! ET).
In general things that for an individual are not pikuach nefesh for the
community it is - he gives additional examples.. He then discusses a
disagreement between the Geonim and
Ramban over a burning coal (gachelet) but claims that even the Ranban who
is machmir disagrees over
that specific case because someone can stand by the burning coal for a
short time to prevent problems.
However, in general even the Ramban allows violating shabbat for many
problems of the community as we
see from the laws of milchemet reshut.

The most fascinating is a teshuva of CI (Iggerot 1-202) .  He actually
allows opening shops on Shabbat
 on the grounds that a great financial loss can lead to pikuach nefesh. He
then warns that one must be very
careful with this heter as this might cause widespread opening of shops in
the galut. Furthermore,
if chillul hashem would result this is yehoreg ve-al yaavot.
Thus with all his advice for moderation the CI is willing to consider in
very limited circumstances opening
shops on shabbat even though the danger to pikuach nefesh is lonly in the
future (i.e. no "lefananu"

On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 7:43 PM, Zev Sero <zev at sero.name> wrote:

> On 09/09/16 05:48, Eli Turkel via Avodah wrote:
>> A more controversial point he made is that the total change of
>> personality in teshuva is a special chessed of hashem and the regular
>> person can't make such a change in a different situation.
> Tanya says the same thing: that to become a benoni, i.e. someone who never
> sins, and never even consciously considers sinning, is within the power of
> every person, but to become a tzadik, i.e. someone who has no yetzer hara,
> requires help from Above, which is not always given.
> In referring to the recent controversy in Israel on fixing tracks on
>> shabbat he claimed that while it is well known that pikuach nefesh
>> over-rides shabbat it is also true that a major monetary loss to the
>> community also over-rides shabbat.
> Surely not.  It can override "vedaber davar", and even sometimes amira
> lenochri, but actual chilul shabbos?!
> --
> Zev Sero               Meaningless combinations of words do not acquire
> zev at sero.name          meaning merely by appending them to the two other
>                        words `God can'.  Nonsense remains nonsense, even
>                        when we talk it about God.   -- C S Lewis

Eli Turkel
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