[Avodah] Rambam intent

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Sep 1 10:47:12 PDT 2016

On Thu, Sep 01, 2016 at 12:24:03PM +0000, Rich, Joel via Avodah wrote:
: I suppose it depends whether one thinks the Rambam's addressing "adam"
: means adam in the street or everyone. I suspect he meant it for those not
: capable of study at his level, but who knows - after all didn't R' Yosef
: Karo write the S"A as a cheat sheet for those who couldn't handle the
: beit yosef due to time or resource constraint's? Any research/thoughts
: on this?

RMR and I argued this Maharal at length (for months, under a number of
different subject lines) on-list.

LAD, the Rambam wrote Mishnah Torah as shelish bemishnah, still requiring
shelish begemara (lehavin davar mitokh davar, etc...) for those who are
capable of it.

Similarly, the Mechaber wrote the SA for the masses, but expected a poseiq
to use the BY.

What we argued about was whether the Maharal's negative statements
about codes went as far as banning them for the masses as well. And
thus, how do we distinguish between higi'ah lehora'ah and not, and
how much is someone who is not higi'ah lehora'ah expected to 2nd-guess
his poseiq and follow his own seikhel.

See "Maharal; Brain is the Soul, Service to HKBH is but" through
"Maharal; Brain is the Soul, Service to HKBH is" (5 index entries)
"BeisDin Errs Who Brings the Chattos?"
When BD Errs, Who Brings the Sin Offering (4 entries)
Brain is the Link to HKBH
Lama Li KeRa? Sevara Hu (2 entries)


Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             Rescue me from the desire to win every
micha at aishdas.org        argument and to always be right.
http://www.aishdas.org              - Rav Nassan of Breslav
Fax: (270) 514-1507                   Likutei Tefilos 94:964

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