[Avodah] aveilut for an abuser

Zev Sero via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Aug 31 10:40:49 PDT 2016

On 31/08/16 11:17, M Cohen wrote:
> In the agunah case - if he was mechuayav to divorce her and refused to do so
> he (perhaps) w be considered a rasha and no shiva would be required.

In the normal case of an agunah he's not a rasha at all.  In most cases
he's been dead all along.

Zev Sero               Meaningless combinations of words do not acquire
zev at sero.name          meaning merely by appending them to the two other
                        words `God can'.  Nonsense remains nonsense, even
                        when we talk it about God.   -- C S Lewis

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