[Avodah] When do all the restrictions of the Three Weeks and the Nine Days end this year?

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Aug 15 02:59:20 PDT 2016

R' Yitzchok Levine posted
>From today's OU Kosher Halacha Yomis

> It is questionable whether we can play and listen to music
> Sunday evening, this year. Is music, which is used for
> simcha, treated like meat and wine, which are restricted at
> night and not permitted until the morning? Or do we consider
> music as less significant, and it is permitted immediately
> after the fast, similar to haircuts, laundry and bathing?
> (See Kitzur Hilchos Bein HaMetzarim p. 32:3 who prohibits
> and the sefer Pesach V'Tisha B'Av B'Shabbos p. 154-155 who
> permits). Rav Schachter, shlit"a paskened that when Tisha
> B'Av is postponed, playing or listening to music is
> permitted right after the fast is over.

These answers would be much more meaningful if we were told how these
poskim feel about someone getting married on Sunday night.

Can I presume that Kitzur Hilchos Bein HaMetzarim says not to?

And I'd like to know what the sefer Pesach V'Tisha B'Av B'Shabbos, and Rav
Schachter, say. Perhaps they allow such weddings, And music is a kal
vachomer. But perhaps they do not allow such weddings, and they are drawing
a line between the great simcha and clear status of a wedding, vs. the
barely-mentioned-in-Shulchan-Aruch status of music.

Akiva Miller
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