[Avodah] intelligent design

Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Aug 10 06:37:56 PDT 2016

I don't believe the philosophers and scientists. A child can understand 
Intelligent Design. A child cannot - unless he believes in magic - 
understand how inanimate quarks proceed to become complex living creatures.

The article to which you link is a classic "take it on faith from me 
because I'm smart and you're not" position paper.

Evolution in the sense of abiogenesis cannot be tested either. Unless 
you count the discredited Miller-Ury experiment.

I find the analogy to Yirmiyahu and Chananyah offensive, but that's just 
a tactic...



On 8/10/2016 7:43 AM, Eli Turkel wrote:
> <<To not accept intelligent design is absurd. I am reasonably 
> intelligent and cannot wrap my head around anyone rational denying it. >>
> and the philosophers and scientists on the other side say the 
> identical thing.
> One complaint against ID is that it can't be tested and so is speculation.
> Obviously neither side will convince the other.
> see eg 
> http://www.ucsusa.org/scientific_integrity/what_you_can_do/why-intelligent-design-is-not.html
> Brings me to inyane d-yoma
> Yirrmayahu haNavi prophesizes that Nevuchadnezzar and his son/grandson 
> will rule over Judea.  Chananiah announces that
> within 2 years G-d will destroy the Babylonian empire.
> I would imagine that Chananih looked like a very pious individual. How 
> was a Jew at that time to decide between the two opposing
> sides? Today with hindsight we know that Yirmiyahu was the true 
> prophet and Chananiah was the navi sheker.
> However, at the time both sides seem to be legitimate
> -- 
> Eli Turkel

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