[Avodah] How to teach emuna

H Lampel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Aug 9 20:06:46 PDT 2016

> From: Zev Sero via Avodah
> What makes you think that these ovdei AZ weren't also ovdei Hashem? ...These
> were*not*  untraditional Jews.  They were active Jews who also worshipped
> AZ, because they had a strong yetzer hara to do so.
And the Doros HaRishonim, Tekufas HaMikreh, brings proof texts from 
Tanach for this in the eras of the Shoftim and Melachim. And I've come 
across additional ones. For one, Eliyahu's challenge to Bnei Yisroel to 
obey either the Baal or Hashem, and not both, as they had been doing. 
And the thousands of prophets whom Achav assassinated were not a small 
portion of Bnei Yisroel who worshiped Hashem exclusively. And their 
preachings, while they were alive, to the Bnei Yisroel and Melachim to 
keep Torahs Moshe properly at the very least kept the mesorah from Moshe 
Rabbeynu on their minds. And were King David's tehillim expressing his 
love for Torah and mitzvos unknown to the following Jewish kings and 
their subjects in both Yehudah and Israel?

Zvi Lampel
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