[Avodah] how do you teach emuna?
Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Aug 9 14:58:14 PDT 2016
Is Avodah a kiruv forum or a high level Torah discussion group? I was
not addressing how one approaches a questioner. I was making a statement
for internal consumption.
On 8/8/2016 9:50 AM, Marty Bluke via Avodah wrote:
> This is exactly the kind of thinking that R' Benovitz was talking
> about. When you make absolute statements like "there are no cogent
> arguments against intelligent design" it can easily have the reverse
> effect and turn people off. Imagine the following. Someone comes to
> you and asks how does Judaism deal with evolution etc. and you answer
> intelligent design and explain it. He asked a question you answered
> it, great. He may accept your answer he may not, but at least he will
> see that you addressed his question in a reasonable manner and gave
> him an answer. However, if you take that extra step of adding on an
> absolute statement like "there are no cogent arguments against
> intelligent design", it will probably backfire. 5 minutes after your
> conversation he will google "arguments against intelligent design" and
> he will see that there are over 2.5 million results. Just from that
> alone he may conclude that since you stated definitively that there
> are no cogent arguments against it and google provides 2.5 million
> results that you are wrong and not trustworthy. Even if he actually
> reads some of the results, he will probably find arguments that at
> least at first glance seem like cogent arguments and will again
> conclude that you are not trustworthy and are deceiving him and that
> Judaism has no real answers. So your absolute statement which you used
> to show how strongly you believe in something will turn out to be
> cause of his not believing you.
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