[Avodah] The kashrus status of genetically engineered food

Marty Bluke via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Aug 7 06:04:31 PDT 2016

R"n Toby Katz wrote:
"And PS I object to the slightly snarky, disrespectful tone of this
question.  The greatest halachic authorities of our generation  and
generations -- think of R' Moshe Feinstein, the Chazon Ish, the  Chofetz
Chaim --
were not too uninformed or unsophisticated to deal  with complex halachic

I wasn't being snarky or disrespectful I was being serious. Technology has
advanced in leaps and bounds in recent years making it harder and harder
for the layman to understand how things work let alone someone who has no
secular education whatsoever. You have to be at least able to speak the
same language, understand the terminology and scientific principles behind
it to understand how the technology intersects with halacha. That is very
hard to do with no secular education.

The Mishna in Makkos quoted l'halacha by the Rambam  states that the
Sanhedrin should not hear testimony through an interprator the reason being
that the translator may change the meaning and therefore change the din.
The same idea would certainly apply here to cases of technology if the
posek figuratively doesn't speak the same language as the experts and needs
a translator.
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