[Avodah] how do you teach emuna?

Marty Bluke via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Aug 4 04:00:14 PDT 2016

Another important comment from Slifkin's blog:

"Steve Savitsky interviewed Rabbi Moshe Benovitz of the NCSY( Savitsky
Talks, "Technology and Social Media: How Are They Affecting the Post-High
School Year in Israel?", 8/1/12, 14:00 in mp3, linked below):

R. Benovitz: ...In the kiruv community, for example, they are coming to
grips with the fact that some of the arguments-- historical arguments,
philosophical arguments-- that like I said a charismatic educator could
tell a person off the street and who would know better, is checked
instantly on a hand held device that’s pulled out of a pocket. If those
arguments do not hold water, then we've done more damage than good. We need
to adjust to that, and we should adjust to that.

Steve Savitsky: Do you have an example of that?

R. Benovitz: ...This is probably beyond the scope of this limited
discussion because there are obviously complexities and layers here. But
examples like mass revelation at Sinai being the only way possible, when
you have challenges from other sources, the fact that Torah seems to have
been forgotten in certain periods explicitly in the Navi and the like. The
chain of the Mesorah-- there is certain reason to believe that were times
where it was if not broken, but then it was down to a precious few; that’s
a challenge, just to use one example, [to that] mass revelation argument of
sorts. [Similarly there are challenges] in the scientific realm, and in the
archaeological realm.

We need to be able to know that there is information at the fingertips of
our students that of course we have answers to, and of course we have ways
of responding to, but to just throw arguments out there, they’re not going
to, nor should they simply accept at face value.

Interview is available here:

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