[Avodah] derabbanan

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Aug 1 13:59:20 PDT 2016

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 09:59:57PM +0300, Eli Turkel via Avodah wrote:
: RMA also pointed out that the Ritva claims that there are two kinds of
: asmachta. One is just a device for memory and is a pure derabbanan. However
: there is a second asmachta which is really hinted at by the pasuk.
: Nevertheless it has a status of a rabbinic law.

: RMA the claims that both the Rambam and Ramban agree to this even though
: they seem to disagree. He the goes another step and says that nevertheless
: they have a disagreement. Rambam holds that chazal are representatives of
: G-d. However the Ramban disagrees as sees chazal as "shiluche didan" and we
: must listen to chazal as a natural extension that we accepted on ourselves

When it comes to qiddush hachodesh, they act as sheluchei didan. Also,
for buying qorbanos tzibbur.

I am also reminded on RSZA's position on electricity (to tie in a
second thread), which appears to be based on the idea that near-universal
agreement of today's posqim, who are not semukhim (in the Sanhedrin sense)
make a gezirah, no less so than Sanhedrin. Which would also imply that
Sanhedrin's power to make taqanos is as sheluchei didan.

But whatever you think of the 2nd paragraph, and RMA needn't sign on to
RSZA's chiddush even if you agree with my take on the Minchas Shelomo,
it remains that the Sanhedrin acts as our shaliach in other contexts.

Which could provide a mechanism for why a taqanah that never catches on
does not become law. After all, zakhin le'adam shelo befanav doesn't work
when the adam objects.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             It's never too late
micha at aishdas.org        to become the person
http://www.aishdas.org   you might have been.
Fax: (270) 514-1507                      - George Eliot

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