[Avodah] birchat kohanim
Marty Bluke via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Aug 1 01:12:45 PDT 2016
R' Micha Berger asked What is the issur for a non-kohen to recite bircas
The Gemara is Kesubos 24b states that there is an issur aseh for a
non-kohen to duchen. Rashi explains "Koh t'varchu atem vlo zarim".
On the other hand Tosafos in Shabbos 118b comments on the Gemara about R'
Yosi where he said that he always listened to his friends even to go up and
duchen (even though he wasn't a kohen), that it would seem that there is no
issur for a non-kohen to go up and duchen except for the beracha levatala.
The Charedim explains the Gemara is Kesubos that the issur on the non-kohen
is that he has a mitzva to be blessed by the kohanim so if he goes up he
loses out on that mitzva.
Also see the Rama at the beginning of Siman 128
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