[Avodah] incorrect learning of Torah
Akiva Miller via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Jul 21 03:01:55 PDT 2016
R' Eli Turkel wrote:
> The gemara BM 109 says that a torah teacher can be fired
> without warning if he makes mistakes because it cannot be
> corrected. Tosafot (top of 109b) explain that the time wasted
> learning incorrect pshat can never be recovered.
> The inference from Tosafot is that if one labors learning
> Torah but reaches an incorrect conclusion that it is not
> considered learning Torah
There must be some sort of mistake here. Maybe Tosfos is being
misunderstood, or maybe "we" don't hold like this Tosfos. What I *AM* sure
of is that at the great majority of siyumim that I've attended, we explain
the phrase "anu m'kablim s'char" to mean that we in fact DO accomplish
Talmud Torah even when we come up with a mistaken understanding. Sincere
effort is the only requirement.
in a second post, RET wrote:
> The only point I was making was that according to tosafot
> earnest trying by an am haaretz is not learning Torah
What has being an am haaretz got to do with anything here?
Are you suggesting that according to Tosafot, earnest trying by a talmid
chacham *is* learning Torah, even if wrong? Why?
Akiva Miller
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