[Avodah] R Avraham

Zev Sero via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Sep 9 09:43:30 PDT 2016

On 09/09/16 05:48, Eli Turkel via Avodah wrote:
> A more controversial point he made is that the total change of
> personality in teshuva is a special chessed of hashem and the regular
> person can't make such a change in a different situation.

Tanya says the same thing: that to become a benoni, i.e. someone who never
sins, and never even consciously considers sinning, is within the power of
every person, but to become a tzadik, i.e. someone who has no yetzer hara,
requires help from Above, which is not always given.

> In referring to the recent controversy in Israel on fixing tracks on
> shabbat he claimed that while it is well known that pikuach nefesh
> over-rides shabbat it is also true that a major monetary loss to the
> community also over-rides shabbat.

Surely not.  It can override "vedaber davar", and even sometimes amira
lenochri, but actual chilul shabbos?!

Zev Sero               Meaningless combinations of words do not acquire
zev at sero.name          meaning merely by appending them to the two other
                        words `God can'.  Nonsense remains nonsense, even
                        when we talk it about God.   -- C S Lewis

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