[Avodah] how do you teach emuna?

H Lampel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Aug 8 13:48:34 PDT 2016

>: If you are looking for "proof" you will not find it.

>: Evidence, you will find aplenty.

> A point RNW makes, but again, I couldn't agree with his version because
> he uses equivocation:

> a- Get the student to say they'll accept O if we had proofs
> b- Tell him we have proofs
> c- ... but that "proof" doesn't mean what he thinks it does, it means
>     "as strong evidence as you demand for other decisions".
> d- And then in other parts of the shiurim talk about the same proofs as
> though they are proofs of the sort the student was thinking of in step (a).

I think his point was making the student realize that his life decisions,
and the things he considers as undoubtedly true are never really based
on the mathematical-type proofs he is demanding. Nor most other things
he considers "proven." He is making the student realize that the proofs
he brings are on the level of certainty that the student accepts for
almost everything else.

Unless I'm missing something your referring to in (d).

Zvi Lampel

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