[Avodah] Birchas Leishev - Kevius, Eating

Rabbi Meir G. Rabi via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Sep 29 18:32:00 PDT 2016

many thanks to R Akiva for the clarification and sources re LeiShev

If I may review - One MUST make the Beracha of LeiShev for the Mitzvah of
living in the Sukkah which includes eating drinking sleeping and lounging.
We pin that Beracha however to the significant act of eating a meal if and
only if there will be a meal during that sitting.

The MB quoting the ChAdam speaks of one who is fasting, who must make
therefore a Beracha upon entering the Sukkah.
Similarly,  if one is not fasting but after having eaten a meal, leaves the
Sukkah in such a manner that he is MaSiAch DaAs, and returns to the Sukkah
without intending to eat during that sitting but will again leave - he too
must make the Beracha for that non-eating sitting.


Meir G. Rabi
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