[Avodah] The takana of krias hatorah on Monday and Thursday

Marty Bluke via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Aug 21 00:54:16 PDT 2016

Todays daf (Bava Kama 82a) discusses the takanos of Ezra and one of the
takanas mentioned is that of reading the Torah on Mondays and Thursdays.
The Gemara says that the takana was made so that people would not go 3 days
without Torah based on the pasuk vayelchu shloshes yamim bamidbar vlo matzu

I am having trouble understanding this takana. They didn't learn Torah in
the midbar? Without this takana people would just sit and waste the day and
not learn any Torah? In any case the original takana was either 1 person 3
pesukim or 3 people 1 pasuk each. This is not exactly a big dose of talmud
torah. What was the point of having them read a grand total of 3 pesukim?
Additionally didn't they say Krias Shema in the morning and at night, why
wouldn't that count as limud hatorah?
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