[Avodah] intelligent design + emuna
Daas Books via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Aug 10 10:41:35 PDT 2016
There is a 3rd alternative: that we don¹t know.
I believe this is the position of most irreligious people; not atheism but
They don¹t disbelieve in a Creator, they merely say, the evidence for a
Creator is no stronger than the evidence for a lucky accidental fluctuation
in the nothingness of the mutiverse.
You and I obviously disagree with their assessment, but that¹s what they
BTW, I am presently reading a wonderful book that anyone interested in this
topic would do well to read.
It¹s called The Cosmic Code by the late Prof. Heinz Pagels
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinz_Pagels> .
He tells the story of Einstein, Bohr, Relativity and Quantum Mechanics in a
very engaging and understandable way (i.e., as a story), and continually
refers to God as the creator, and the scientist¹s job is to understand God¹s
creation. It doesn¹t come across as religious (I don¹t know whether or not
he was) but respectful of theism, in a very Einsteinian way (³I don¹t
believe God plays dice.²). He didn¹t know Einstein personally, but studied
at Princeton with people who knew him, and Einstein was often quoted as
saying he got his intuitive insights from ³The Old One².
Here¹s the book:
Alexander Seinfeld
> The idea of matter being infinite (always having existed) is just as
> impossible to understand as the idea of an infinite Creator that is beyond
> scientific detection in the physical world -- and believe that by using
> random natural selection they hae obviated the need to believe in Him.
> They will then challenge that idea by asking 'Who created God?' ad
> infinitum, thus believing they have refuted the 'first cause'
> premise. They somehow do not understand the concept of 'First cause'. By
> definition, the 'creation buck' stops there! The Creator' needs no
> creator because He has always existed. difficult to understand but no
> less difficult than saying the universe has always existed.
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