[Avodah] Two questions on Pinehas

Simon Montagu via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Jul 28 13:55:31 PDT 2016

Two things struck me in last week's parasha (in EY, this week's in hu"l):

Why is there no mention of Moshe's children in the lists of the Levite

In the list of the other tribes, why do they appear in that order? It seems
at first glance to be Leah's children followed by Rachel's followed by
Bilhah's followed by Zilpah's (each group in age order), but how did Gad
get right up after Reuven and Shimon? I suppose a good answer to this would
need to cover all the other places in the Torah with a list of all twelve

Any thoughts?
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