[Avodah] derabbanan

Eli Turkel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Jun 19 12:37:23 PDT 2016

< What I was saying in my earlier post is that I think the MC rules out
 any first-order taamei hamitzvos for dinim derabbanan, and they are all
 to protect / help implement de'oraisos which have real te'amim.
Chanukah, Purim, and Hallel do "help implement de'oraisos". We are
obligated to acknowledge and celebrate nissim and yeshu'os; chazal
"merely" coined standard ways to do so.
Netilas yadayim *is* there to protect deOraisos. Or at least was, back
before we gave up an taharah. The whole notion that by default hands
are tamei was a gezeirah, not a taqanah.
In neither case do we need to assert that there was some metaphysical
danger to avoid or metaphysical benefit we would have missed that the
Torah hadn't already forced us to take into account. >

I am not claiming anything metaphysical. It just seems to me that not all
rabbinical decrees are
to help a deoraisa.

I am certainly not baki enough to go through every rabbinical law but
certainly some others include eruvin, most importantly almost all berachot,
davening (certainly according to those that disagree with Rambam), shevat
brachot. As I said before there are loads of decrees in monetary matters
that are not just nezikin including prozbul, takanat hashuk, bar
metzra. Again I would have to review the 3 Babas to come up with a more
detailed list. Even in hilchot shabbat/yomtov we have candle lighting and
other aspects of oneg, much of the seder,

Eli Turkel
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