[Avodah] derabbanan

Eli Turkel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Jun 16 12:18:33 PDT 2016

> Returning to the example I used this morning, poultry with milk.
> One could explain this prohibition as preventing some minor spiritual
> damage or danger of such damage that didn't rise to the level of
> that avoided by basar bechalav. Or some other metaphysical and/or
> psychospiritual explanation, or symbology, whatever your favorite
> taamei hamitzvos system might happen to be.

If one assumes that the only problem is rebellion like the netivot then
milk in poultry
has no spiritual damage (the problem is gavra not cheftza)

> :                                 In particular what happens when the
> reason
> : for the derabbanan no longer exists.
> What I was saying in my earlier post is that I think the MC rules out
> any first-order taamei hamitzvos for dinim derabbanan, and they are all
> to protect / help implement de'oraisos which have real te'amim.

Not all takanot are to protect a deoraita. In any case the original
question was
why we are obligated by these takanot

> : One main concern is in monetary law, Much os the "baba-s" are rabbinic
> : based on a monetary/social system that no longer exists
> Much of which isn't lemaaseh, since qinyan is determined by convention
> anyway.

Not all kinyanim. More importantly not every monrtary takanah in shas has
to do
with kinyanim. There are loads of takanot for the good of commerce.
In the change from an agragrian society to a business society to a high tech
society much is no longer relevant

Eli Turkel
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