[Avodah] listening to governments and derabbanan

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Jun 6 04:56:43 PDT 2016

R' Eli Turkel wrote:

> In a related matter I have been attending for a while shiurim of R
> Michael Avraham on logic. The topic that he just began is the
> requirement to listen to rabbis. Rambam relies on the pasuk "lo
> tassur". Ramban disagrees and says that if so then every derabban
> becomes a de-oraita. RMA points out that the more difficult shita
> is actually the Ramban. He offers no alternative to the Rambam.

Okay, so every d'rabanan is actually a d'Oraisa. Is that problematic? I
always thought that was in fact how we hold.

(Even if d'Oraisa, we can still use rules like "safek d'rabanan l'kula",
because that's how they legislated it from the beginning.)

Akiva Miller
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