[Avodah] modim

Eli Turkel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue May 24 06:46:10 PDT 2016

<<Surely once you're there and you hear Modim your back
bows automatically, even if you're in the middle of a heated discussion
of <s>politics</s>  <s>real estate</s> er, the Daf. >>

The gemara in Baba Kama 16a seems to be talking about bowing at modim in
the shemonei esre and not modim derabban (the gemara is talking about the
spine changing to a snake 7 years after death)

Looking at it again Tosafot (appears on 16b) asks the same question that I
mentioned that all Jews have a share in the world to come. Nevetheless as I
mentioned Kaf HaChaim brings a Zohar that one does lose one share in the
world to come for not bowing at modin.

Eli Turkel
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