[Avodah] how to fix a mamzer

Eli Turkel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue May 24 01:56:44 PDT 2016

By coincidence a recent daf yomi (kiddushin 72b) discusses the future
status of mamzerim. The following is a non-literal translation of an
article by R Avihud Shwartz from yeshivat har etzion. Anyone who wishes to
see the Hebrew can request me to forward the original.
This is not a continuation of the previous discussion.

The gemara says that R Yose says that in the future (le-atid le-vo)
mamzerim and netinim will be tahor while R Meir disagrees. The
gemara followed by Rif and Rosh pasken like R Yose.

Tosafot asks why the need for a psak on events that will only occur
le-atid le-vo. The Rosh answers that the gemara is talking about a safek
mamzer. But even R Yose agree that cannot solve the problem of a certain
mamzer. R Yose is teaching that there is no need to distance from
safek rmamzers today since even in the future they will not be revealed.
Hence, R Yose is teaching a practical halacha for today.

The Rashba says the gemara does occasionally pasken on future questions and
so takes the gemara literally. He is then left with the question how can
the prohibition against marrying a mamzer disappear le-atid lavoh. The
Rashba has an amazing answer. In the generation before the Eliyahu the
rabbis will allow mamzerim as an emergency measure (horaat shaah) but when
the Moshiach comes they will be pasul.
So according to the Rashba at the time of the geulah there will be a one
time heter allowing known mamzerim.

To explain this Rashba R Shwartz that a condition for the geulah is the
achdut of the nation. Mamazerut introduces a separation among Jews.
Therefore for one generation the nation will have a complete achdut between

During the "regel" all Jews are chaverim (Chahiga 27) . One explanation is
that that during the holiday everyone is assumed to keep the rules of
taharah. However another explanation is that during the holiday everyone is
consider a chaver as part of achdut of the people. R Yose sees mamzerut as
a type of Tumah and as the Moshiach comes close this tumah will be removed.

Eli Turkel
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