[Avodah] G-d and logic

Zev Sero via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu May 12 04:55:42 PDT 2016

On 05/12/2016 06:42 AM, Eli Turkel via Avodah wrote:
> I don't understand how G-d can contradict logic if is greater than b
> which is greater than c then a is greater than c (for normal objects
> there are strange sets for which this not true) and G-d can't change
> this similarly G-d can't create a planar triangle for which the sum
> of the angles is not 180 degrees An all powerful deity has nothing to
> do with violating logic i repeat that mathematically one create wierd
> spaces with different rules of logic but that has nothing to do with
> the present discussion

That is what logicians say.  See the Lewis quote in my .sig.   But how do
you know that it's true?  Chassidus says that G-d *can* make A (which is
greater than B, which is greater than C) less than C, if He wants to,
because He created logic in the first place, and is not bound by it.

Mekom ha'aron is the most famous example.  Lewis would undoubtedly say
that Chazal's description can't be true, because an object that takes up
space can't simultaneously *not* take up any space.  An object that has
width *must* add to the width of the room in which it lies.  But Chazal
tell us it didn't.

Zev Sero               Meaningless combinations of words do not acquire
zev at sero.name          meaning merely by appending them to the two other
                        words `God can'.  Nonsense remains nonsense, even
                        when we talk it about God.   -- C S Lewis

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