[Avodah] RavSharki on university students

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon May 9 04:36:21 PDT 2016

R"n Toby Katz wrote:

<<< ... Both  mothers suffer terrible pain and grief.  But even if both
children "only"  suffered the same amount of pain before dying, you can see
that there would be  a huge difference between a world in which no disease
would ever kill a  child and a world in which no Nazi would ever kill a
child. >>>

The difference that I see, is that in one case the mother would have angry
or otherwise negative feelings towards Hashem, and in the second case, the
mother would have angry or otherwise negative feelings towards both Hashem
and the Nazi.

But as I understand this conversation, we are discussing theodicy, which is
the question of "How can a good God allow such a thing to happen?" And in
that regard I see no difference between the two cases.

Akiva Miller
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