[Avodah] Understanding an Unfriendly Minhag: Not Eating Out on Pesach

elazar teitz via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue May 3 07:28:43 PDT 2016

     Regarding this minhag (which I inherited from my father z"l, and which
had as a corollary eating virtually no bought products; e.g, my wife makes
mayonnaise for Pesach, although I no longer churn butter, as he did --
yeridas hadoros):  I heard from an unimpeachable source that R. Chaim
Brisker visited the Chafetz Chaim on Pesach.  The CC did not offer so much
as a cup of tea to his guest, so as not to embarrass RCB by compelling him
to decline..

     I believe we can rest assured that RCB had no doubts about the degree
of the CC's observance of Pesach kashrus.  It was just a taken-for-granted
practice that one did not eat out on Pesach, unless there was no

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