[Avodah] RMF Mattir Neder Gebrochts

David Riceman via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Apr 27 08:10:41 PDT 2016


> May I venture that a Posek who suggests that it does require [or will not
> permit] Hatarah is also only protecting broader issues or being polite. A
> Posek's opinion is therefore no better than the position taken by Reb
> Moshe. What we require is that the matter have some Halachic foundation.
> But we have yet to see any practical/Halachic foundation that there is
> a risk that Matzos may become Chamets if they become wet.

I would have thought just the reverse.  If there’s a halachic foundation all it requires

is a psak.  When the behavior is extra-halachic we may require hataras nedarim.

David Riceman

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