[Avodah] RMF Mattir Neder Gebrochts

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Apr 22 09:44:38 PDT 2016

On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 06:50:07AM +1000, Rabbi Meir G. Rabi via Avodah wrote:
: The earliest source pretty much rejected it and stories about the Besht are
: hardly substantial.

The stories about the Besht are that he DID eat gebrochts. This isin
contrast to the SA haRav who was firmly against.

And the SA haRav (shu"T #6 in the bac of vol 6) IS substantial.
See last year's

BTW, while I fint this hard to accept as RMF's pesaq, R Eli Turkel
told us last year that RSZA does hold as per the story about RMF:
> In Halichos Shlomo (p90) it states explicitly that one can change his
> custom and eat gebrochs after hatart nedarim. However, this should be done
> only if there is a good reason (tzorach chashuv) for the change. Thus, for
> a chatan he would allow the hatarat nedarim if keeping bebrochs would cause
> family difficulties.

And R Yisrael Herczeg wrote:
>       ... I just looked over the notes of the droshoh Rav Yitzchok
> Mordechai HaKohen Rubin gave last Shabbos. He said that Rav Elyashiv
> allowed for hataras neder on gebrochts. He also mentioned that Rav Chaim
> Kanyevski said that the Steipler was matir neder on gebrochts for someone
> who had difficulty eating matzah unless it was softened with liquid. He
> added that Rav Chaim Greineman said that the Chazon Ish told him that the
> Steipler's heter was invalid.

And yet in his own life:
> I asked Rav Elyashiv z"l if I could be matir neder on gebrokts and he told
> me I could not.

>From R/Prof Y Levine:
> A friend of mine who did not eat gebrokts and who was a close talmud
> of Rav Tuvia Goldstein , Z"L, a well-know halachic expert here in
> the US, asked Reb Tuvia about changing this and eating
> gebrokts. Reb Tuvia replied, "Mutar Loch, Mutar Loch, Mutar
> Loch." and that was it!

And quoting http://torasaba.blogspot.com/2015/03/of-gebrokts-and-kitniyos.html
he wrote:
> The Sefer Ashrei Haish quotes Rav Elyashuv zt"l who says that one
> who has the Minhag of not eating Gebrokts may change his Minhag to
> eating Gebrokts.

> It is preferable to make Hatoros Nedarim but not necessary. One may
> rely on the Hataras Nedarim made on Erev Rosh Hashana.

> Reb Elyashuv holds the original Chumra of Gebrokts started when
> Matzohs were thick

Notice we have convlicting reports about RYSE, but the one who says
he allowed leaving the minhag of gebrochts didn't so much dismiss the
minhag as wrong as much as agree with the ST that the minhag refers to a
kind of matzah most of you do not eat.

I have a few lb from the Syrian community in Flatbush, in addition to the
usual. So if I had the minhag of nisht gebrochts, RYSE might still have
told me to limit my hataras nedarim and continue not eating Syrian-style
matzos with liquids.

IOW, my wanting confirmation of the story about RMF has to do with my
opinion of RMF's tendencies in pesaq. Not that the idea is inadmissable.
And I'm betting that if RMF did advise hataras nedarim, it was for
reasons similar to the RYSE report.


Micha Berger             Every second is a totally new world,
micha at aishdas.org        and no moment is like any other.
http://www.aishdas.org           - Rabbi Chaim Vital
Fax: (270) 514-1507

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