[Avodah] cooking kitniyot in a peasdik pot

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Apr 21 19:50:16 PDT 2016

R' Eli Turkel wrote:

> All the seforim I have seen pasken that if one cooks kitniyot on
> Pesach in a pot then one can either use the pot again for normal
> Pesach use either that day or after waiting 24 hours.
> I saw one newsletter that claimed that one needs to kasher the
> pot even for use the following year !

Last week, in the thread "Ta'am kitniyos", I wrote that Mishne Berurah
453:7 writes that if a choleh - even a choleh she'AYN bo sakanah - needs
kitniyos on Pesach, one may cook it for him. I was struck by how casually
he said this, yet he said nothing about the keilim involved. So I will now
rephrase the question that I had asked there:

RET referred here to "seforim". Are there actual seforim that discuss this
question? I have seen many publications - usually issued by the hechsherim
- which tell us that kitnios baby food (for example) must be prepared in
separate keilim. But they give no sources. I'd like to see a posek who
tackles this question in writing, and gives his reasoning.

(My wild guess is that if such a source can be found, it is less likely to
be in the context of baby food, and more likely to be in the context of an
Ashkenazi who was invited to eat at a Sephardi home on Pesach.)

Anyone know of such seforim?

Akiva Miller
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